Saturday, December 7, 2019

Killing of Huntsville policeman

Yesterday afternoon's shooting and killing of a Huntsville policeman in the line of duty (reported at prompts me to revisit the working together of Alabama law enforcement and of Alabama gun control advocates, including particularly the Alabama Mom's Demand Action group.

I have endeavored to promote this joining together of efforts.

It is acknowledged that there is probably not uniformity of opinion in Alabama law enforcement about whether greater gun control in Alabama would afford both law enforcement and citizens greater protection from gun violence.

At a minimum I think there could be greater engagement between Alabama law enforcement and citizens on the subject.

I am particularly interested in raising the question of whether the 2nd Amendment is, in the 21st century, important to protect against the risk of tyrannical government subjugating citizens in the United States.

I think the 2nd Amendment is not important in the 21st century for that purpose, and that the rule of law, and improving the rule of law, are much more important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government subjugating citizens in the United States in the 21st century.

If the argument is won that the 2nd Amendment is no longer important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government, that may help in enlarging what are reasonable limitations on gun ownership insofar as the 2nd Amendment grants a right to own guns for self-protection purposes.

Further, if law enforcement can be persuaded that guns are not important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government, the support of law enforcement for #gunsense may increase.

In September I sent the below email to a representative of Alabama Mom's Demand Action. I have not received a reply.

I will endeavor to push more on this.
From: Rob Shattuck <>
Date: Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 4:55 AM
Subject: Re: Join Moms Demand Action at Peace in the Park!
To: _______ <>
Dear _____,
Thank you for emailing me.
Please allow me to respond to what you say in your email and also to say a couple of other things.
I have endeavored to explain.the campaigning and messaging tool of organized direct tweeting to voters in various of my blog entries, which I have tweeted and emailed links to, including and
I will be pleased to talk with you on the phone to answer questions you have about this campaigning and messaging tool. My landline number is ________. I use my answering machine for call screening. If you call and I don't pick up, start leaving a message after you hear the answering machine message, and I will pick up if I am home.
I appreciate you are subject to what the national Mom's Demand thinks about how local Mom's Demand organizations should do their campaigning and messaging. Shannon Watts is aware of the organized direct tweeting tool and tweeted to me something like "we've got this." I did not know what that meant at the time, and I don't know what the current thinking of Shannon is about Mom's Demand trying out the organized direct tweeting tool.
Apart from the organized direct tweeting tool itself, I wish to mention some other things of substance and tactics.
In April, when permit-less carry was before the Alabama legislature, and some Alabama sheriffs joined Mom's Demand in opposing the same, I did the blog entry JOINING TOGETHER BALDWIN COUNTY CITIZENS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT FOR #GUNSENSE.
To me, it seems that police safety AND public safety are a compelling basis for Mom's Demand and law enforcement to be working together for #gunsense. This week's killing of the Tuscaloosa police officer accentuates this currently in Alabama. I may do a blog entry in that keys to the Tuscaloosa killing.
I have done much tweeting raising the question of whether the 2nd Amendment is, in the 21st century, important to protect against the risk of tyrannical government subjugating citizens in the United States.
I think the 2nd Amendment is not important in the 21st century for that purpose, and that the rule of law, and improving the rule of law, are much more important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government subjugating citizens in the United States in the 21st century.
If the argument is won that the 2nd Amendment is no longer important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government, that may help in enlarging what are reasonable limitations on gun ownership insofar as the 2nd Amendment grants a right to own guns for self-protection purposes.
Further, if law enforcement can be persuaded that guns are not important for protecting against the risk of tyrannical government, the support of law enforcement for #gunsense may increase.
Finally, I am trying hard to agitate for public two-sided discussion and debate in Alabama about guns.
Please let me know of any ways you think I can help Alabama Mom's Demand in its #gunsense efforts in Alabama.
Again, thank you for emailing me.
Rob Shattuck

Friday, April 26, 2019

Baldwin County


This past week Alabama Moms Demand Action and Alabama Sheriffs succeeded in defeating a permitless carry gun bill that was before the Alabama legislature.

In Baldwin County, we want to bring together the citizens, police officers and sheriff to add to the momentum for #gunsense in Alabama. This will be done with mass tweeting directly to Baldwin County residents, to be followed up with scheduling and holding of meetings of citizens with Baldwin County police departments and the Sheriff's office to discuss #gunsense.

If you receive a tweet and click on the link in the tweet, which brings you to this webpage, please help out by doing one or both of the following two Actions.

Action One - Declare yourself publicly
Click on the below "Tweet here" link to send a tweet that says,
I am a Baldwin County resident and want our citizens and law enforcement to join together to advance the cause of #gunsense in Alabama. Please click on link to help out in this effort in Baldwin County. Thanks. #alpolitics #ALGunSense 
(After you click on the below "Tweet here" link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)
Tweet here

Action Two -Send "pyramiding" tweets
Send individual tweets to other Baldwin County residents, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage and do their own Action Two. The goal is to get large numbers of "pyramiding" tweets going to Baldwin County residents.

A suggested tweet message to send in this Action Two is:
Please tweet with me to get our Baldwin County citizens, police departments and Sheriff's office to join together to advance the cause of #gunsense in Alabama. Please click on link. Thanks.
Find follower lists of Twitter accounts in Baldwin County that likely have a lot of followers in Baldwin County. Below are examples of Twitter follower lists that you might use:

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.

B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list  you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.

C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Against permitless carry


TO: As many Alabamians as we can tweet to:

#ALGunSense got the below done yesterday. Permitless carry will be back for a vote next week, and tweeting and other actions are needed this weekend. Please do one or more of Actions One through Five following the below tweet.

Action One - Declare yourself publicly
Click on the below "Tweet here" link to send a tweet that says,
Please tweet with me and with other Alabamians to get our Alabama legislature to vote down the permitless carry bill expected to be voted on next week. Please click on #alpolitics #ALGunSense
(After you click on the below "Tweet here" link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)
Tweet here

Action Two - Sign the petition
Sign the petition opposing dangerous "permitless carry" gun law in Alabama. Add your name now: #ALpolitics

Action Three - Call your representative
The telephone number for your Senator in the Alabama Senate and for your Representative in the Alabama House of Representatives can be found at

Action Four -Send "pyramiding" tweets
Send individual tweets to other Alabamians, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage and do one or more of Actions One through Five, including sending tweets to more Alabamans in this Action Four. The goal here to get a large number of "pyramiding" of tweets going to Alabama voters. [See instruction set out below after Action Five.]

Action Five - come to Montgomery next Wednesday

A suggested tweet message to send in Action Four is:
Please tweet with me and with other Alababians to get our Alabama legislature not to pass permitless carry bill to be voted on next week..Please click on
Find follower lists of Twitter accounts in your geographic area that have a lot of followers. Below are examples of good Twitter follower lists to use for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas:

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.

B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list  you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.

C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]

Friday, January 18, 2019

Tweeting "We are Everytown"


TO: As many Alabamians as we can tweet to:

EVERYTOWN (website at is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities.

For too long, change has been thwarted by the Washington gun lobby and by leaders who refuse to take common-sense steps that will save lives.
We want to build the Everytown movement in Alabama, so that Governor Ivey and the Alabama legislature cannot ignore us.

One way we are doing this is by means of direct tweeting to fellow Alabamians.

If you will lend a helping hand in this effort, please follow Steps One and Two below.

Step One
Click on the below "Tweet here" link  to send a tweet that says,
Help build the "Everytown for Gun Safety" movement in AL  so that Gov. Ivey and AL legislature cannot ignore us.Please click on #alpolitics
(After you click on the below "Tweet here" link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)
Tweet here

Step Two
Send individual tweets to other Alabamians, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage, send their own tweet in Step One, and, after that, join in sending tweets to more Alabamans in this Step Two. The goal here to get a large number of "pyramiding" of tweets going to Alabama voters.

A suggested tweet message to send in this Step Two is:
Help build the "Everytown for Gun Safety" movement in AL  so that Gov. Ivey and AL legislature cannot ignore us. Please click on #alpolitics
Then find follower lists of Twitter accounts in your geographic area that have a lot of followers. Below are examples of good Twitter follower lists to use for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas:

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.

B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list  you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.

C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Tweeting for #gunsense


TO: As many Alabamians as we can tweet to:

We who are tweeting to you think Governor Ivey and the Alabama legislature are not responsive to the desire of a  majority of Alabamians for #gunsense legislation.

We want to build grassroots agitation about #gunsense that Governor Ivey and the Alabama legislature will not be able to ignore.

We want to do this by means of direct tweeting to fellow Alabamians.

If you want to lend a helping hand in this effort, please follow Steps One and Two below.

Step One
Click on the below "Tweet here" link  to send a tweet that says,
Help build powerful grassroots agitation about #gunsense that Governor Ivey and AL legislature cannot ignore.Please click on #alpolitics
(After you click on the below "Tweet here" link, you will see a preview of your tweet, and your tweet will not be sent until you click the "Tweet" button in the preview.)

Step Two
Send individual tweets to other Alabamians, which tweets have a link to this webpage. This will be to try to get recipients of tweets to come to this webpage, send their own tweet in Step One, and, after that, join in sending tweets to more Alabamans in this Step Two. The goal here to get a large number of "pyramiding" of tweets going to Alabama voters.

A suggested tweet message to send in this Step Two is:
Help build powerful grassroots agitation about #gunsense that Governor Ivey and AL legislature cannot ignore.Please click on
Then find follower lists of Twitter accounts in your geographic area that have a lot of followers. Below are examples of good Twitter follower lists to use for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas:

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.

B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list  you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.

C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]

Purpose; method

This blog is a platform for Alabama #gunsense supporters to use Twitter in an organized way to purvey #gunsense messaging to Alabama voters by means of direct tweeting to the voters,

The goal is to generate impactful grassroots support for #gunsense that will be noticed by Governor Ivey and the Alabama legislature.

This platform will set out tweets to be sent directly to Twitter accounts of Alabamians. The tweets will have links to entries in this blog that will give information about this tweeting effort and solicit recipients of the tweets to join in the tweeting so that a "pyramiding" of tweets to reach more Alabamians will result. The blog entries that the tweets link to will use various #gunsense argumentation and supporting information.

A key to success is for the tweets to be worded in a way that induces recipients to click on the link in the tweet.

This effort may be organized geographically. Twitter accounts to send tweets to will be found by tweeters using follower lists of Twitter accounts in the tweeter's area that have a lot of followers.  Examples of Twitter follower lists that might be used for the Huntsville, Birmingham, Montgomery, and Mobile areas are:

To get a concrete sense of how this will work, look at Tweeting for #gunsense blog entry.

Also, read the below instructions about how to do your tweeting.

A. General
This tweeting involves a non-standard use of Twitter, namely, the sending of large numbers of individually directed tweets to followers of other Twitter accounts (not your own followers).
A ground has been staked out with Twitter for this method of tweeting. See letter to Twitter @Support.
The object of this method of tweeting is to get a "pyramiding" of tweets going in Alabama.

B. How to send your tweets efficiently from laptops
In doing your tweeting, you are repetitively sending the same tweet message. This can be done very efficiently, at least on a laptop computer. Get the tweet message on your mouse clipboard, go to the follower list you are using for your tweeting, start with the first person on the list you want to tweet to, and do this:
1. Right click on person's Twitter name.
2. Choose "open in new tab"
3. Go to the new tab.
4. Click on the "Tweet to" button.
5. Paste the tweet message in the box.
6. Hit the "Tweet" button.
7. Close the tab, which takes you back to the list
8. Go on to next person, and repeat above steps.
You should be able to send 35 to 70 tweets in a half hour. Send as many tweets as you are willing to. Don't worry about any duplication that you think may arise.

C. How to send your tweets efficiently on smartphones
[to be added]

1/19/24 email to Lisa Hendricks
From: Rob Shattuck <>
To: Lisa Hendricks, Moms Demand Action <>
Cc: Moms Demand Action Alabama <>; Dana Ellis <>; Melissa Bailey <>; Lisa Burgess <>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2024 at 11:58:52 AM CST
Subject: Re: Let’s talk, Rob!
Dear Lisa,
I am replying by email rather the survey, because I wish to describe a particular digital campaign tool that I conceived of in 2016 but was never able to get utilized.
This tool in question ("organized direct tweeting") is described at Be An Alabama Rootstriker* with Rob Shattuck: Organized, direct tweeting campaign tool (
In 2019 I went so far as to create a skeleton platform for using the tool regarding guns. This skeleton platform can be found at Alabamians Tweeting for #Gunsense: Purpose; method (
Use of the tool requires Moms Demand volunteers who are willing to spend time sending individual tweets to individual Twitter accounts. This kind of volunteer activity may be hard to come by.
I believe texting has been developed as a campaign tool, and that could be something of a prototype for the organized direct tweeting tool.
I never could get anyone to try out the campaign tool.
I still consider the tool worth a try.
I would be happy to talk about the tool with your national Grassroots Digital Advocacy group and/or with Alabama Moms Demand representatives. Just let me know.
Rob Shattuck